Since my mom has been in Israel the last few weeks, I decided it was time to start making challah for our family on Friday nights. I've always depended on her to make it and every week we look forward to our little family night...blessings...wine...bread...good food...and just being together without all of the distractions of everyday life. I might be getting a little sentimental, but there's just something special about starting traditions with your kids and making bread is going to be something that I (and hopefully the kids too) will look forward to each week! So this morning we woke up and got started right away...and look what we made!!!

I was pretty excited that it turned out so well since last week's was...um...not so perfect:)
Here was our first attempt last Friday...apparently you can "kill" yeast with water that is too hot. Maybe that's why it was like a lump of dough even after it was baked...

BUSTED!!! At least someone liked it! I finally had to move the bread to the top of the fridge...it looked like a little mouse had gotten to them. (ok so all those missing pieces weren't just from Jayda...:)

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