We added some water to our sandbox...which made things a lot messier and a lot funner...

Even Jonah got to get his hands dirty! (sorry Levi- you were sleeping!) He played in the sand for a few minutes before he even tried eating it. That's unheard of for my little guy- it's usually straight from his hands to his mouth.
eating the the leftover sand...
After playing outside, the big kids got to take a bath (and "swim") and then.....SMOOTHIE TIME! They think the blender is hilarious. Then it was movie time, books, and naps. (and somehow I was able to do a few loads of laundry in the middle of everything. All credit to my abba in heaven- he is good, isn't he?:)
Next post...Jonah CRAWLING!!! (as soon as I can get a good video of it!)
yay for an update! Jonah looks so big standing there!!! Sorry Sunday didn't work out...how about this weekend???
man, we sure are lucky. thanks for letting your home be a second home for my kids... they love it there. looks like you had another fun day yesterday!
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