Sunday, January 25, 2009

has it really been 6 months???

Six months ago we were blessed with our little Jonah.  We weren't expecting to meet him for a few weeks, but when I went to my 37 week appointment, my midwife told me to go home and get my things because I was going to have a baby that day!  A little shocked and totally nervous, I called Cliff, who was on his way to get the oil changed on his car.  He said something like, "so you mean I don't have time to get my oil changed???"  About 6 hours later...

It's a boy!  (officially!)   I love this picture of me and my mom...what a special moment to have her witness the birth of our second baby, and first born son!  

Here is newborn Jonah... weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces...

And here is 6 month old Jonah...he now weighs almost 16 pounds!!

Here are some sweet pictures Jayda help me take this morning:)  I went a little nuts on the sepia tones but isn't he precious?!:)

Monday, January 19, 2009


Jayda wanted to play with markers this morning so I had this great idea to tape her coloring pages to the countertop and let her color while I worked on some laundry.  This is what I found when I came back to check on her....

It was all over her hands, the walls, her chair, and even her socks.  She was so proud of her work, it was hard not to laugh...and I think I learned my lesson!  Thank goodness for washable markers!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

fun video, pictures, &...teething???

Sweet Moves!
This is a few weeks old, but so cute...Isaiah and Jayda love to dance to all kinds of music.  Since we bought Jayda her own little pink cd player, she has been playing the Go Fish cd's that Alisha gave to us ALL DAY LONG.  A few times I have peeked in her room and found her dancing to Go Fish and watching Elmo all by herself (a rare thing for Jayda to play by herself!) 

Sweet Shades!
A few days ago Jayda decided to put her sunglasses on "Jo" as she now calls him:)   It was too funny...even Jonah was laughing!

Sweet Stash!
Mr. Potato Head is one of Jayda's favorite toys right now...she really likes to get creative with the pieces hahaha...

Sweet girl...
It's amazing how fast my babies are growing up!  Jonah will be 6 months soon and Jayda is becoming such a good big sister!  I have noticed her becoming more motherly lately...this morning during breakfast she had one of her dollies on the table next to her cereal.  She gently patted the baby's belly the entire time.  It was really sweet! 

So I know there's lots of stuff going around, but I am beginning to think Jonah is teething.  He hasn't been himself since yesterday.  He only ate three times ALL day and his poor nose is running like crazy.  Last night we took his temperature (haha...the accurate way...Jayda watched and then said, "my butt!!!  mama butt!!!") and he had his first fever of 99.9 degrees...Every time I try to feed him he gets very angry and I'm pretty sure his bottom gums look more um..bumpy?  We put a washcloth on his head last night and I think it helped a lot.  Jayda had to put a "hat" on her head too:)